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Extracurricular Activities Lists


    1. Individual Research abstract 

Study on leaf movement of Mimosa Pudica 

Anti-cancer effect of Phospholipase A2 from honey bee venom with 5-Fluorouracil

    2. Lab researcher - Seoul National University PyeongChang Campus Lab 

    3. Captain - SEM 

    4. Vice Captain - Korean Demilitarized Zone Ecosystem Exploration Team 

    5. Internship - Oriental Medical Clinics 

    6. Speaker - Global Healt Youth Conference of Johns Hopkins University 

    7. Honors 

Gold & Bronze Medals - ASEAN Innovative Science Environmental and Entrepreneur Fair (Biology & Innovation Divisions) 

Excellent Yout Scholars Award - Korea Scholar's Conference for Youth (Biology Division) 

National Finalist & Biology Division Bronze Medal - Korean Science & Engineering Fair 

5th Place - Dasan Academic Festival 


    1. Leader (Playwriter, director, actor) - Life Is Drama (Theatre club) 

Directed a play, 'One day', which I wrote

Acted the main character of 'One day'

Acted Timms in 'History Boys'

Acted Miss Casewell in 'The Mousetrap'

    2. Actor - Shakespeare Society (Shakespeare theatre club)

Acted Romeo in 'Romeo and Juliet'

Acted Sir Toby in 'Twelfth Night'

    3. Class 

Modern Korean Play (2019-2) - A

Writing Play (2021-2) - A

    4. Honors

Gold Medal - Gangwondo Acting festival 

Special award - 2019 Shakespeare festival (The only high school team to attend) 

Special award - 2021 Shakespeare festival (The only high school team to attend) 

Communication award - Talk Scene (Science Theatre Competition) 


1. Chief Designer - School official English Newspaper (Slideroom) 

2. Chief Designer - Library department periodic publication 


    1. Leader - Through The Lens (Photography Club) 

The first one to open a photo booth in school festival (took pictures of 50 people) 

Manager of the Facebook page, 'Through The Lens' (nearly 800 followers) 

Took official photos of school events

    2. Honors 

Excellence Award (selected as national representative) - Youth Environment Reporters (Photograph) 

    3. Personal Hobby 

Took ____ pictures for 3 years (=__photos a day) 

Can use adobe lightroom & photoshop professionally to edit photos



    1. Volleyball 

Founder & Leader - Middle school volleyball team 

Varsity - High school volleyball team 

    2. Taekwondo (Korean traditional martial arts) 

Teaching Assistant - Taekwondo class 

Own second black belt (Did Taekwondo for 3 years) 

One of two people who Taekwondo class for 2 years 


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