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Lab Note #1 Background of the study


Main theme: the collaboration of oriental medical system and western medical system.

Though the medical technology has improved a lot, there still exists a limitation, For example, the side effect of treatment can be recognized after the treatment is done. (Though there are some methods such as genetic testing that can consider individual's trait to expect the best treatment or drug for him or her, it is not prevalent so that everyone can use it yet.) I believe through the collaboration with oriental medical system(naturopathy), it can improve more since oriental medical system analyze individual's traits and apply them to prescribe a treatment or drug that fit best to each people. Oriental medical system especially suggests the fundamental treatment based on the immune system improvement not only immediate calming the symptom. However, there still exists definite limitations in oriental medical system as well that can be overcome by the modern(western) medical system; for instance, it is hard to expect an immediate effect of treatment since it cannot do a surgery. Also, it is hard to persuade people to get the treatment since medical principals aren't clearly discovered yet.


I got interested in the theme as I actually experienced the effect of oriental medical treatment(naturopathy). Since I was very young, I suffered from a severe skin disease(atophy) and allergy. My eyes swelled up, and skin got ruddy and itchy. If my noses is stopped up because of rhinitis, I almost got crazy because of a pain. However, diseases are almost completely cured now though I only took oriental medicine. Plus, I believe I am much healthier than normal people since though I don't take pill, I naturally get over cold in 1-2 days. I think it is because my immune system has improved a lot as a take oriental medicine continuously.

<About the study>

Through this study, I am going to find out how the bee venom, a common material used by oriental doctor for treatment, can be helpful in curing cancer.

The oriental medical system treats cancer in mainly two ways. First, it enables patients to overcome cancer by her or himself by improving one's immune system. Also, like general treatment, it directly inject anticancer material in human's body. This study is going to research how the bee venom can be anti-cancer. (second method)


Components of bee venom

melittin, apamine, MDM peptide, adolapine, phospholipase A2, Hyaluronidase, Histamine, Dopamine, Norepinephrine, Carbohydrates, P, Ca, Mg,


Among these various materials, I researched anti-cancer effect of three materials first; melittin, apamine, and phospholipase.

Then I decided to focus on phospholipase A2 since the study about its anti cancer effect has been done less than others.

The cancer I wanted to study was colorectal cancer since my father's side is expected to have a unique gene that causes colorectal cancer since most of them has passed away from colorectal cancer.


Phospholipase A2 (PLA2) deactivates EGF related growth

It has been reported that bee venom group III sPLA2 and phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate can synergistically disrupt membrane integrity and cause subsequent cell death in renal cancer cells. Putz et al. have reported that bee venom group III sPLA2 and phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate can synergistically generate tumor lysates, thus enhancing the maturation of immunostimulatory human monocyte-derived dendritic cells. Such tumor lysates represent complex mixtures of tumor antigens that can simultaneously exhibit potent adjuvant properties. In addition, they meet all requirements for a tumor vaccine. Increasing evidence has suggested a modulatory role for phospholipid dendritic cell differentiation, thereby affecting the immunogenic potential of antigen-presenting cells


Phospholipids can exert their role either as precursors of second messengers or through direct action on intracellular signal transduction pathways. It is possible that the anti-tumor effect of bee venom group III sPLA2 and phosphatidylinositol-bisphosphate may regulate cell survival, cell proliferation, and cell cycle. Accordingly, Putz et al. have proposed that bee venom group III sPLA2 might also be responsible for bee venom-induced apoptosis. However, there is a report showing that lysophospholipids can activate ovarian and breast cancers cells. Ovarian cancer patients have increased levels of plasma lysophospholipids. The effect of bee venom group III sPLA2 on cancer should be confirmed in each tissue.


<Drugs for colorectal cancer treatment>


Working as an antimetabolite to prevent cell proliferation, it primarily inhibits the enzyme thymidylate synthase blocking the thymidine formation required for DNA synthesis ; is the most widely used treatment for the metastatic as well for the adjuvant setting of colorectal cancer. These agents are administered intravenously (by bolus or infusion), thereby causing significant inconvenience to patients.


tablets. interfering with how cancer cells develop and grow., absorbed into the bloodstream through the digestive system


blocking an enzyme called topoisomerase I


inhibit synthesis of RNA, DNA, and protein in cells.

Trifluridine and tipiracil

taken into the cancer cells and incorporated into the DNA where it interferes with DNA synthesis which will then inhibit the cell's ability to divide.



Cetaximab and panifumumab are relevant to blocking EGFR



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