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Common Application

Common Application

Future Job
Science documentary(theater) producer, 


Gold, Bronze medal - Asean Innovative Science Environmental and Entrepreneur fair (Innovative Science)  

Gold medal - Global Youth Science and Technology Bowl 

국제 청소년 산림논문 공모전 

National finalist/Bronze medal - Korean Science & Engineering Fair(Biology)

Excellent Youth scholars award - Korea Scholar's Conference for Youth

4th prize - Math-Talk (Science communication competition)

Gold medal - Ganwondo Acting Festival 

5th prize - Dasan Festival (research competition) 

Ganwon State championship - Gangwon sports competition 

Special prize (team) - 2019 Shakespeare Theater festival

Communication award - Talk-scene (Teen science theater) 

Bronze medal - Junior Fame-lab

Extracurricular activities  

 Vice Captain - Korean Demilitarized Zone Ecosystem exploration team 
Explored restricted regions in DMZ with CNN, NHK Japan, YTN, Asahi news; observed behaviors of Black-capped king fisher; held photo exhibition; submitted petition for ecosystem preservation

 Experiment (Research) - Seoul National University PyeongChang campus lab
Developed rice tolerant to drought by genome editing; Learned experimental techniqes (PCR, electrophoresis, RNA isolation, etc.)

 2 Individual Research -  School, The university of Suwon
Study on leaf movement of Mimosa Pudica; anti-cancer effect of phospholipase A2 from honey bee with 5-Fluorouracil (add. info) 

 Internship - Oriental medical clinics, Kyungbook National University emergency room
Learned acupuncture shadowing doctors; compared systems & medical techniques of oriental clinics and western hospital; guided patients

 Director, Playwriter, Actor - Life Is Drama (theater group) 
Coached acting, designed stage of a play I wrote; Performed 4 characters in 4 plays; Gold medal/National finalist in Gangwon Acting Festival

Directed 2 plays I wrote; actor of 7 plays (add. info); 

 Actor - Shakespeare Society (theater group)
Performed Sir.Toby in Twelfth night, Juliet in Romeo and Juliet; Got special award from Shakespeare theater festival(team)

  Founder & Captain - Middle school volleyball team, Setter - High school volleyball team
Practiced and prepared for matches with other schools and 5 competitons; 1 gold medal (Ganwon state championship), silver, bronze medal (National Sports Club volleyball competition)
Pipe music conductor, 1st Chair Flute - Minjok Orchestra  
conducted practice sessions & arranged pieces for all wind instruments; performed as lead flute at school concert, nursing house etc. 

 Chief of design department & reporter - School newspaper

 Teaching Assistant - Taekwondo class 
Own 2nd level black belt; 

 Captain - Through The Lens (school photo crew) 

 Project - Took a film

Additional Information


 (Participant - Korean Brain Camp)


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