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Showing posts from April, 2021

Extracurricular Activities Lists

Biology      1. Individual Research abstract  Study on leaf movement of Mimosa Pudica  Anti-cancer effect of Phospholipase A2 from honey bee venom with 5-Fluorouracil     2. Lab researcher - Seoul National University PyeongChang Campus Lab      3. Captain - SEM      4. Vice Captain - Korean Demilitarized Zone Ecosystem Exploration Team      5 . Internship - Oriental Medical Clinics      6. Speaker - Global Healt Youth Conference of Johns Hopkins University      7 . Honors  Gold & Bronze Medals - ASEAN Innovative Science Environmental and Entrepreneur Fair (Biology & Innovation Divisions)  Excellent Yout Scholars Award - Korea Scholar's Conference for Youth (Biology Division)  National Finalist & Biology Division Bronze Medal - Korean Science & Engineering Fair  5th Place - Dasan Academic Festival  Theatre      1. Leader (Playwriter, director, actor) - Life Is Drama (Theatre club)  Directed a play, 'One day', which I wrote Acted the main character of 'One

To God (2)

To God. God, I decided not to trust you anymore. I feel like you are merely an illusion now. When I confessed this to my friend, B, she told me that faith is not what I can have just because I want it, but what you present to people who crave for it and all I can do now is to pray for that faith. But what is faith exactly? Isn ’ t it just a result of giving up having a question on your existence and hypnotizing myself that you are real? I can ’ t even believe that millions of people who don ’ t believe in you are all committing a sin and eventually will go to hell. Those numerous little children in Africa who died after lifetime exploitation of labor under an evil boss... Are you going to turn your face away from them and just send them to hell, saying ‘ you didn ’ t believe in me. ’ ? They didn ’ t even have a chance to know you. They must not have seen a bible for their entire life. Even if they attain salvation and go to heaven, how will you take responsibility f

To God.

  To God. God, I decided not to trust you anymore. I feel like you are merely an illusion now. I feel like ‘full faith on you’ that people talk about is a result of self-brainwashing. When I confessed this to mom, a committed Christian, she seemed to be very angry. Maybe, she felt like I was telling her like this. ‘congratulations! You succeeded brainwashing yourself into believing that a fake is a real!’ Of course, I didn’t mean it, but everyone whom I confessed this reacted similarly. In fact, there was a person who showed a different reaction from others. My friend, B, told me that a faith is not what I can have just because I want it, but what you present to people who crave for it and all I can do now is to pray for that faith. But I can’t believe it either. What is faith exactly? Isn’t it just a result of giving up having a question on your existence and hypnotizing myself that you are a real? I can’t even believe that millions of people who don’t believ