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-My MBTI is INFP, and every explanation about INFP on Internet perfectly fits to me. I get energy when I am alone, am intuitive, (always) postpone work I have to do, and am emotional. 

-I love exercising and have done various sports since I was young-I've done mountain climbing for 2 year, taekwondo for 3 years, volleyball for 4 years, and weight training for 1 year. However, it doesn't mean that I am active and love to move around all the time. I hate going up to a cafeteria or my room using stairs and don't walk more than 100 steps on weekends. I merely like doing 'sports' not 'moving'. (Maybe that's why I haven't lost any weight by exercising.) 

-I LOVE musicals and plays. I am sure that once I escape KMLA and start to live in Seoul, I will watch play or musicals literally every single day, which I actually did during a summer vacation. I certainly believe that musicals and plays make me alive, and it is why I am only applying to universities near West End, London, Broadway of England. I want to work as an intern or part timer in musical theater or productions near London during vacation when I am a university student and learn some practical affairs. My ultimate goal is to make my own musical/play production. 

-I think I am physically healthy. I've never been to a hospital except when I was born and got hit by a car. I can get over a cold in one day though I don't take any medication.

-My favorite historical figures are 'Park Yeol', a person who lived over 22 years in prison for trying to drop a bomb in crown prince's wedding and 'Yoon Dong Ju', a poet who strived for Korea Independence. I don't know why, but whenever I watch movies or read books that depict their fairy-taleish lives, I can feel my heart breaking and my eyes well up with tears. I wish I could keep believing that I believe in my life. 

-I hate fighting with other people though there are tons of reasons that can justify it. I have fought with people other than families for 2 times -once when I was an elementary student and another when I was 11th grader. - and I regret it badly. I believe fighting can solve nothing. 

-I like 'people' (quite surprising considering I am 100% introvert). This means that I enjoy meeting new people and getting to know about one person very deeply. People around me sometimes are confused because I ask a lot of questions as if I am interviewing them. 

-I become completely 'different' person in house as I don't hide my emotions at all in house (I feel sorry to my parents) 

-I guess I was a very violent person when I was very young as I made my younger sister hurt A LOT. When I was 6, I pushed my younger sister powerfully because she refused to have a haircut by me.(...) She had to immediately go to an emergency center because her scalp was torn severely and bleed was running out a lot. She still has a scar on the back of her head. Also, when I was 8, I pushed her from the top of a double-deck bed and her front teeth were broken. 

...Sorry Sister. 

-I have several nicknames-penguin, mochi, jjinppang... As you can guess, they are all formed because of my chubby cheeks. I don't really hate these nicknames but neither do I like them. It is because so many people have touched my cheeks calling these nicknames, and I HATE someone else touching my body (especially cheeks) without permission. If you wonder why, just imagine about 10 people touching your cheeks in a row as if you are a subway machine. 

텍스트, 실내, 바닥, 컴퓨터이(가) 표시된 사진

자동 생성된 설명


-I am good at speaking GyeongSang province dialect. If you want me to translate any words (of course Korean) in GyeongSang province dialect, I will do it for you. (I really enjoy it.) 

-I am a stubborn person. I never change my thoughts before I genuinely feel I should do so, and I feel really sorry to mom for not listening to her well since I was very young. Also, I certainly believe that this school, KMLA, allowed me to think about myself a lot apart from my parents and find behavior or mindset that I have to change by myself. If I were not accepted to KMLA and had to live in a house with parents, I wouldn't be able to recognize my problems but always reject what parents say. 

-I like people who don't hide their positive emotion and openly express what they feel. In Daegu, my hometown, almost all people never express what they feel openly and even have difficulties saying 'thank you' or 'sorry' to people, which makes them seem very cold and rude. (Whenever I say 'thank you' to my hometown friends by text message, they have don't respond or say 'don't say those awkward words.')  I think the reason why I like people who don't hide what they feel is because I have always thought that I don't really fit the atmosphere of Daegu since I was very young. 

-I watch movies a lot. To be more precise, I watch my favorite movies over and over again. I even just listen to the audio of the movie, instead of listening to music when I am walking.

-I don't like listening to music itself but love the atmosphere of the place where music is on. 

-I am a very emotional person like I mentioned briefly when I talked about my MBTI. I cry a lot, get angry easily, sometimes get very depressed for no reason and become happy with trivial things. Fortunately or not, though my emotions change all the time, I am quite good at hiding it. Before I took a gap year, I hated this personality as I thought it made me hard to concentrate on my work so much, but going through a gap year, I believe my muscles of heart got strengthen enough to bear the wide range of emotion flexibly. 

-I believe I have lived a blessed life. Of course, there were so many accidents that I have never imagined to happen quite a lot and the life I've lived wasn't that smooth. However, it is also true that I could study being supported by so many people without any physical or financial difficulties. Whenever I was in difficulties, I could feel that people around me  did their best to get me out of the swamp. As a Christian, I believe that the reason why I could have been able to live the blessed life is because God wanted me to pay back the blessing I got to other people in need. 

-I am not materialistic; I don't buy things if I think they are unnecessary. However I think it would be changed as I recognized that I am not reluctant to spend money buying what I want to have because I am guilty of spending my parents' money. 

-After I graduate university, I am going to earn money, not studying more in graduate school. I think studying for more than 10 years is enough for people who don't set their hearts on learning a specific field that they are really passionate about. 

-I have always felt guiltiness towards my parents because I've always thought of them as an investor and felt pressure that I have to achieve results that are worth enormous money that they have invested on me. The only reason why I am reluctant to go abroad to study is because I am afraid that I won't achieve anything with their investment. 

-I love my short hair, especially because it only takes less than 3 minutes to dry my hair.

-I can wake up early in the morning but cannot sleep late at night. Once it becomes 12, my head automatically falls down, which means it's time to go bed. Because of this characteristic, I was called 'honest head that tells the time' when in 10th grade.

-I HATE sending or getting any text messages from anyone. To be more accurate, I don't like 'text messages'  themselves. I think it is a 'text message version' of 'callphobia'. I'd rather call or meet with that person if I have to send a text message.

-My favorite movie director is 'Lee Jun Ik'. The moment that I realized that all my favorite movies (Park Yul,  Dong Ju, The Royal Jester, Sa Do etc...) are made by him.  I think he is the only Korean movie director who can make movies with popularity, commerciality, and literary value(대중성, 상업성, 작품성) I am glad that he FINALLY got PaekSang Arts Awards last year!

-My life moto is 'Be a person who laughs often, not a person who laughs at last.' In KMLA, I realized that I will NEVER be happy if I decide not to be happy for happiness in the future. I believe that people who laughs often will be also be smiling in the last as they always did.

-When I was young, I wanted to go to the Military Academy to be a soldier and this is why I did so much exercise from a young age. Though this goal has faded away since I got accepted to this school, I am still willing to spend part of my life in military. I think I would apply to a noncom right after i graduate university.

-I cannot focus on several things just one!


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